This trip I walked away with seven books in great shape. Oddly enough most of them fall into the Young Adult category. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like YA, as long as it's well written and not drowning in cliches...
If you'd like to know more about the books click on the pictures to be taken to their Amazon page. I'm too lazy today to take and upload my own pics. And really, what's the point when Amazon's covers look great, hmm?
The first book I grabbed was Revealers by Amanda Marrone.
I've never heard of the book or the author but I liked the shiny cover and the story seemed somewhat interesting. It's about a group of high school friends who are witches that have the power to make supernatural nasities reveal themselves. As each girl turns 18 and is initiated into the innermost circle of their coven weird shit starts happening and the main character has to figure out what's going on.
The second book I snagged was a softcover of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson.
I've heard good things about the book and the movie even though I don't know too much about the story line. I'm excited to finally get to check it out though!
Next I picked up Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception by Maggie Stiefvater. I've never heard of her either, or so I thought, but upon further Amazon inspection it seems that she's written some werewolf books that I sort of want to check out. Although I own a few faerie books I've never read any, yet. Oh, did I mention that it's a signed copy? Score!
I also picked up a slightly warped, but still in good shape, copy of Immortal: Love Stories With Bite. It's a vampire anthology featuring stories by Tanith Lee, Rachel Caine, Claudia Gray and others. Once again, I've never read anything by any of these authors but I felt that it was worth a gamble since I only had to pay a buck for it.
Speaking of Claudia Gray, I stumbled upon a shiny, sexy hardcover of Fateful. A dark romance set aboard the Titanic..and it has werewolves! Sounds original enough to me. Certainly better than that other story set aboard the sinking ship.
I also picked up a brand new copy of Hades by Alexandra Adornetto. I've been wanting to read this series for awhile now so when I saw the second book in this series, in hardcover, in such great shape, for less than two bucks, I couldn't help but pick it up.
The last book that I discovered was also YA. Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. It's a werewolf book, so naturally I picked it up with barely a second thought. I can't help it, I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting, well written wolf stories. Sadly it's something that seems to be seriously lacking in the YA genre, hell, even the adult genre. I can't wait till I have mine written. They certainly will be lacking most of the typical cliches, thank Gods.
Anyway, sorry for the shameless self plug there.
This is about a young girl whose family gets violently shredded by a werewolf and then she gets raised by a pack of them. Well, that sounds a lot like Underworld there minus the vampires, hmmm? Of course that doesn't mean the book is going to suck, err...bite. It still sounds interesting. Hopefully it won't disappoint.
As it stands right now I'm happy with my purchases. I've been meaning to check out some new YA books, as opposed to the older ones by R.L Stine, Christopher Pike and L.J Smith that I grew up reading. Of course, YA authors today need to take a hint from these masters. YA doesn't have to be watered down, it can be violent, bloody and just as horrific as adult horror if done the right way. Nothing pisses me off more than a potentially great YA book that's reads like it's written for a five year old. Just because you're writing for a younger audience doesn't mean that you have to write like you're a part of it.
Author ~ Whiskey black
Listening to “Queen B” by Puscifer
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